You live on a block in the city with 50 houses and Susie, a fifth grader who decides to open a Lemonade stand on the corner.
     She sets up the stand with a sign that says " Limonaide -$10 a glizz" ( she's not doing too well in the local school) Somehow, she's not doing too well - very few people stop by for lemonade, so, she tells her father who calls the local mayor and says she is FAILING at her enterprise. 
     The Mayor and Council passes a law that says the block in which she lives must contribute in PROPERTY TAXES certain monies to Susie to supplement her income so that she may show a small profit each month on her lemonade operation. 
     The 60 home owners taxes rise ( they can't fight it), Susie receives supplemental income assistance from the city, her books balance showing a 15% profit over expenses and she registers approval with her family. 
     A neighbor sees the above and wants his kid to reap the rewards of government interference in restraint of trade, so he convinces his daughter to do the same. Susie sees this, files a lawsuit in court to block this as unfair and unlicensed competition. The court agrees with her and denies the second child application to market competitive lemonade stand.
     Meanwhile, one of the homeowners files a lawsuit charging a government mono ply. It takes 6 years and a million dollars to get to the Supreme Court, and by that time, those Judges are vetted by the ACLU and the suit is thrown out.
     That's Socialism. Life under government control, they know what's best for us, not the other way around. The frightening thing about all this is a large fraction of the American People are falling headlong in love with a United States Senator - Bernie - without knowing what the term, Socialism, implies. 
     It means in the words of the late Robin Williams " Communism Light."


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