HISTORY OF GUN CONTROL IN THE WORLD

  • The British demanded that we Colonists turn in all our weapons - then executed some of our Patriots in our own front yards.
Our Government demanded Indians turn in their weapons - and we got Sand Creek and the massacre in the Dakotas
  • Adolph Hitler demanded that all of Germany turn in their weapons - and we get to view that slaughter nightly on History Channel
  • Stalin demanded all Soviets turn in their weapons - and he murders 25 MILLION of his own,
  • Mao - same. And he perfects executions to an art form. His murder squads dig the bullet out of the victim and send it to the families and charge them for it.
  • Fidel Castro? We got to see firing squads on TV as group after group of unarmed Cuban collapsed into ditches, his citizenry unarmed, unable to fight back.
  • Pol Pot of Cambodia - demanded all weapons be turned in and discovered the public had more guns than his own Army. We all remember the piles of skulls of millions of the intelligentsia he slaughtered. 
  • South African government demanded the blacks turn in their weapons - they had nothing
                  to defend themselves with.

Since  our educational system has been corrupted by progressive elements in the Department of Education, over two generations of American kids have NOT BEEN TAUGHT THESE FACTS.

All the while Democratic pols like Obama demand that we turn in our weapons.
do you ever wonder why?


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