We rush into cliches faster than a speeding bullet these days. War on Christians!! It is true, Christians in Mosel Iraq for 2,000 years, today 0. We made a mistake, America elected a bad president. We know that now. Rattled, I get up every morning and discover Barack Obama is still president. Do you think that's EASY?
      I stood in the cages where the early Christians were held in the Coliseum before they met the lions. And I thought, do I have it in me?
     At the bloody angle on the hill top at Gettysburg on Union Position, I stood right where the bloodiest of the fighting took place to free all men. If I was there with a rifle in my hands like my ancestors were, could I take the on
     I was there at the well inside the Alamo where 21 men died in ten quick minutes during the fighting. If my rifle was there, could I have made the difference? Could I have helped make things right?
    Christians thoughout history have thrown their lives away in the pursuit of standing up for their faith and fighting against EVIL. Killing Christians isn't going to get people anywhere. They fed us to the lions and look what happened.
    We are all over the place, all over the globe. And, in America, one big difference. In America, we've got GUNS.


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