I'm asking a question. Are we safer as a nation today than we were 7 years ago? The situation, it seems to me, is so confusing in the middle East, that I can't keep track of who is shooting at whom, what groups belong to what factions, whom we should support, who are the black hearts, who are the they pure of hearts and who is being caught in the middle and killed needlessly.
     There are so many groups, using so many different languages, spoken, on so many different news levels here in the U.S. whom I now frankly DISTRUST, that I'm in the dark and so should millions of Americans scared stiff over their own safety. Take a moment and list all those you NOW distrust. Go ahead and list them. I'll bet it a lot more than 5 years ago, isn't it? Me, too. Albeit, I trust the mailman, my wife...and my kids......maybe, my kids.
The job description of the President of the United States of America is to keep the peace, establish order, maintain the Armed Forces, collect the mail, keep the streets clean, be a nice guy so he gets re-elected and make damn sure we don't get run over by a bunch of savage cut throats who want to kill our women and children. We are beginning to be like a third world country, where the only trusted entity resides in the military. Unfortunately, those leaders seem to be hand-picked by our president. All others have been " retired."
     Absent of that motivation, it may be up to the vox populi to do it for him, for the Congress so far this year seems incapable of organizing a trip to the bathroom.
PS - Remember, " Gun Registration" was meant for the day when the government wants to pick up your firearms, now they know where to go, to get them.


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