Pledge of Allegiance in our Modern day Schools in America

As a fellow School Board Member once told me, " you can go from one room to another and check the curriculum in the same grade and flip a coin as to the uniformity."
     Ditto on the Pledge of Allegiance, it is NOT mandatory in today's schools. Don't think so? Watch Jimmy Kimmel's late night show and/or email him to do another special where he sends a tv camera into the classroom and films the kids doing it.
     They flunk. One kid was asked who it was written for and he said, "Jesus." Ok.
     Think the country is going to hell? Yeah, I do. When is the last time YOU showed up for a school board meeting and asked to find out how these clowns were spending YOUR money? My own should demand ALL students stand up every morning and recite the Pledge along with a designated speaker over the loudspeaker from the Principal's office.
     Each morning for the class year. Then, test them on it, write a story on what it means. You get any teacher who doesn't feel "comfortable" doing that, ask for their lunch duty schedule card and DOUBLE IT.
    Just sayin'


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