The President's Lips Are Moving - Sit on Your Wallet

It seems to me that the country is beginning to become unglued. Really, you say? Last year was bruising to our country as far as dividing our population: nearly tearing the electorate apart. Nearly the most vicious election in two centuries, some pundits say. Everything was hauled from the closet- religion, murder, race, patriotic gauges, nationalism, and worst of all the continuing effort to prove the current president is NOT a citizen.
     Obama's consistent reversals on everything he said BEFORE he was elected pasted against what he says/declared/mandates NOW after he is president four years and one month later has cultivated a mistrust  among older Americans.
     America's General, Colin Powell now reveals he has voted for Obama strictly on race: he's black. Yet, Obama's second term now sees his cabinet and staff riddled with nothing but white people, ALL white. It was so it s , all white. HIS drumbeat? Diversity.
     I have gotten to the point where I see the man speaking on television, I do not believe him.
I automatically discount whatever it is he is saying. His lips are moving, and I say to myself,
" I think he's lying. Or, maybe he means it...maybe, deep down, he really means it. He sold it to himself, but - honestly - it will never happen."


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