Trust in the Obama Presidency

Here is what it did for me....after almost four years of Mr. Obama, I distrust not only him, but that creeping, spreading cancer of distrust now infects what everyone running for office high and low tells me on the "stump."
     Dog catcher, city councilpersons, state senators, Repubs, Demos and whatever, I've now developed a cynical attitude towards television, radio, print, photos of candidates, family shots, ANYONE holding babies, the usual clap-trap ("I'm the outsider"). I don't believe ANY OF IT.
     Obama seemed so sincere, so believable, so composed: everything open, transparent, "on the internet." I heard it all, all the promises: GITMO, tedium ad neuseum. None of it happened. Side-stroking to the right, pleasing nobody, as Margaret Thatcher once said, "in the middle of the road, you get hit by traffic on both sides."
    Yet, with confused economics running wild, printing presses spread currencing throughout the land. Politically left-bent folks in America seem wounded when it comes to understanding economics, the bricks and mortar of the US. You make your own money, and you're allowed to keep it, or most of it, anyway.
     I wonder what effect that will have on the November turnout this fall?


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