Martha McSally ex-fighter pilot vs Rick Santorum presidential candidate

Recently, an ex-fighter pilot from the Air Force came out of no-where to run for a Congressional seat carved out of the former Gabriel Giffords old chair, now vacated by her near assassination January 8, last by the Arizona youngster now locked up.
    Two districts have emerged and the lady (I use the term loosely) has decided to try and grab half the old territory formerly held by Giffords. As a Republican, a conservative, and a former AF colonel, experienced combat pilot, we have grown to expect not a lady who coordinated tea and lunch at a DAR function, or Bazaar to raise funds at church for disadvantaged children.
   In a recent press conference where asked her opinion on Santorum's Catholic views on various subjects, he posited womens' place were best served out of the line of 20 mm cannon fire and men should be called to do their duty, protecting home, country, wives and children.
   To which, the ex-Colonel McSally replied, and I paraphrase - she would like to kick him in the testicles. "Nether Regions" was, I think, the term she used. Now, I served in the Air Force more than a half century ago, flew planes and all that, and never encountered someone like that.
   And won't vote for someone like that either.
   Or, Santorum. As he wends further along the campaign trail, he is losing it. More offense with his Catholic views, this Sunday morning, I hear tapes of his religious views on the TV which espouse of "what is right and what is wrong" and it is apparent to me, that he cannot govern all of us.
   If elected, he will be offensive, based on my reading of what he has said, as badly as McSally, and far worse as Kennedy.
   Since McSally's slip on the Nether Regions affair, I have noted that she is back peddling as fast as her little Arizona Bike will carry her. But a former female fighter pilot in combat...and one so violent as she - admitting that her violent streak will take her that far, I wonder just how her latent feminism will surface once she is in POWER. OMG!


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