Danger ABOVE the US/Mexico Border

The local paper in Tucson known as " The Arizona Daily Star" published just yesterday, as they say in the newsprint biz, above the fold, front page, the following headline:

              "Travel Alert - 60 miles NORTH of Nogales Arizona in every direction " Then the story covered the facts out of Phoenix that the government wanted the populace to know for a certain period, everyone should be careful that lived in a wide circular swath about 60 miles north of Nogales Az, northward. Also quoted were residents of towns just south of Tucson who were NOW CARRYING GUNS.

      What is so ironic about all this is the Star's cartoonist, an aging hippie, bombards us with his cartoons about guns are bad, guns kill, we should all hate guns,...blah, blah, until we could all throw up. Now, front page, we have Mexican drug cartel gang violence INSIDE our own borders and government warnings and our own citizens openly carrying handguns well within Arizona borders.

      I would hate to work for the local convention and visitors bureau. What a tough sell that would be. "Handguns for everyone."


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