Oregon - The food crisis - WHY?

Sunday's Parade magazine announces that Oregon is the top state for a food crisis for children in America. a horrendous percentage of children do NOT know where their next meal is coming from.
    True to their lax standard of reporting these days, the media fails to tell us WHY that is. Oregon, has re-elected Governor NO, Dr. John Kitzhaber, a far left wing physician who for two previous terms bragged in the national media that he never "met a tax bill that he failed to sign." The Wall Street Journal published stories saying that Governor Kitzhaber was dead last in his efficient handling of federal funds returned to the states.
   Oregon's politics have always been "far-out," and off the radar. Most of heard of just " the beautiful weather." Usually that means one has been there during the summer (that's the only time the sun is out.). What's off the radar and negative is Oregon's political climate. Home to the fledgling American Communist Party, John Reed was born in Portland's West Hills, dated a wife of a local dentist, tallied with her through the popular movie "REDS" and died. He was buried in Moscow's infamous - Wall.
   It is the most anti-business state one can live in. When the Governator ran California, he frequently bought billboards in Oregon saying to businesses there struggling under Oregon regulations, " come to California, we'd love to have you!!" Real estate has/had a reputation for being nearly as over priced as the California coast line.
   Portland is the state's largest populated area, politically the farthest left, and nicknamed in Washington, "Little Beirut" for its propensity for riots. At city center  -  Pioneer Square, Friday afternoon at five o'clock, political demonstrations or left-wing, hippie "actions" are common place. It is the only city in recent memory where some recently relocated folks can recall city police showing up with shotguns.
   Taxes are high, commercial , non-governmental run tax-based jobs are rare, and those that are available tend to be lower waged. Portland's traffic jams are legendary, rated 7th toughest in the country just behind LA and New York if memory serves, and then, 151 days each year, in the rain.
   Each major city in America has one major obsession it deals with: Dallas it is either Dealey Plaza or football. In Tulsa it is the Bible, Denver it is the Broncos, in Portland, Oregon, it is and always will be a driving religious fervor for the environment and it's preservation. There you will hear all forms of dramatic, pragmatism towards all forms of dedication to environmentalism until your eyes pop out and your head aches.
   If government dedicated as much time to creating jobs, industry and private enterprise as they do to the safety of the jay-bird, children in Portland, and their families would not have to scrounge the rainy streets of that town worry about their next crumb of bread.
  But, then again, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong. I live in the desert, am well fed and I know where my next meal is coming from. My ten years in Portland DID teach me SOMETHING about their surrounding environs, tho.


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