Jobs in the Middle East, I am a confused American

I received the usual amount of junk e/mail today and in it was a pitch from saying i had the "right" credentials for highly complicated hi-tech jobs in Saudi, Qatar, etc, "those" countries. I won't belabor.
   I opened it and read on - there were pages and pages of high technical jobs for Americans to hop on the 'gravy' train, move to Arabian countries, push computer technology right to the edge in Dubai and other locales over there and make mighty money.
  What perplexes me is this: in America were are up to our arm pits in middle eastern types now. Cruise the malls, supermarkets and by-ways, and the heavily hooded ladies with slightly Americanized kids in tow flood the food marts of America with hubby decked out in the latest Calvin Klein's whispering orders to his troops to 'turn left, right, halt, yes, no, whatever!!'
  It's almost like Oklahoma, without the colored bedsheets.
  Dichotomy time: Qatar runneth over with job openings, I've seen them. If they are in such BAD shape, why are all these people over here?? I sure would like the American press to dig into THAT STORY.
  One of the minority reporters on a major cable channel often does documentaries on " Black in America," ok, fine. Very informative. Very nice, but - the middle easterners who are beginning to cause traffic jams in our cities while job openings appear to beckon AMERICAN job seekers, on it's face raises all kinds of questions that would be more than enough to appeal to 60 Minutes, don't YOU think?
  It does to me.


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