Wall Street Protests Today

I never thought I'd cheer a civil protest, but today, at the ancient age of 71, I am behind them 100%.
    You couldn't find a better place at which to protest - Wall Street. A location where the most crimes at committed against the American public on a daily basis than in any 7/11, fast food shop in the country.
    More people in bread lines, starving, more below the poverty lines than ever before, and those big-bank, big stock exchange guys are piling away millions for themselves and oft-times with a slight of hand that (doesn't) get by the Feds who have turned away. (one wander$ why?)
    The Senate Finance Committee's hearings on Golden $ack$ head $hed broadcast on CNN gave me insight into what a modern-day civilized "perp-walk" reveal could show us. Talk about tight collars and lawyering up!!
    Admitting that their "sales people" were given financial instruments to sell to the public that they "did not know" the intricacies, and foisted complicated these "investments" off on unsuspecting investors, each answer was punctuated with some reference to my memory fails me or a "my lawyer says.."
    If anyone has ANY faith in Wall Street, let him stand and speak now.
    The crowds outside of Wall Street remind me of the howling masses July 14th in France centuries ago, when the rich met the guillotine. I'm not advocating that now, just jail terms. Oh, by the way, I kind of lost track of the Golden $acks folks.
    Does anyone know if any of them were ever prosecuted?
    No?  I didn't think so. That's just my opinion, I could be wrong.


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