Buy GOLD...Now?

Long ago and far away, gold sold for $300+, or maybe it was $400 and ounce. So, I bought  - some.
     Call, they said, talk to our friendly 'people,' and learn. Like walking into a prison full of rapists without your clothes on. Anyway, I bought - what i wanted, and shoved it away. One clown tried to close me for $27,000 worth of gold during the first phone call I made to that company!! (No, I didn't)
     Now, according to economic laws and theory, as the world ( and our own country's economy circles nearer the drain) the price of gold doubles, then triples, etc, etc.
     To my point: every leach, crook, con-man and sharp-shooter is on the telly hawking the 'golden opportunity, (mind you) to get on the band-wagon, to grab a piece of the shiny metal and cash in, "before it's too olate."
     Stupid. Of course, this is all my opinion, as Dennis Miller once said, I could be wrong.
     I did NOT have to graduate from Wharton to learn that you buy low and sell high, or as my friend the Oregon economist hints, "don't get suckered into yesterday's HOT investment buy."
    So, howcome, already? Well, I shudda bought four times the amount of gold that I did (I didn't, dammit), it is now worth four times what I DID pay for it.
    Why would I now pay four times what it was worth? Is it going up against? Probably, BUT, to whom will one sell it if one day, liquidation to cash is in order??
    Betcha the sharks will surface, smelling the blood in the surf pretty damn quick. Don't think so? How many of us have had our haircuts when we go to a jeweler to by the Mrs a diamond and are told about the "clarity, quadruple facets, shiny blue/white reflections and the triple whoop-la quality?"
    Then, when we bring it back for a re-sale, or our money back, said Jewelmeister reminds us of dark spots, cracks, " dark mirrors and lack of lusters deep within the stone." Somehow the diamond has lost it's resale value.
    Tsk, tsk, those are breaks, aren't they?
    Wave enough money under the nose of these TV sharks and I believe they would hawk anything, prepaid abortions, maybe - who knows.
    The point is, investment cons are now everywhere and most people too freaked out on everything going belly up and scared of what's in their closet of anxieties, turn to anything that looks half way decent in which to bury their money.
    Enter the Bernie Madoffs and the like, of this world. A good example is the Coin Collectors that push the "Golden Nickle."  Fresh from their Mints, they have revived the ancient nickle 'CLAD' IN 14k gold. The ad goes on to say, the original price of gold is $ half a ka-jillion an ounce, but "now you too can have this collectors nickle CLAD in 14k gold for only $10. "
    Every TV viewer with less than a high school education is going to grab his debit card, call in and get shafted. CLAD, it is covered with a THIN coating of 14k GOLD.
    Saw through that and you'll find the cheapest nickle you find anywhere. Oh, and the minimum is five per purchase.
    Beware of anyone, or organization who touts their ethics. They don't have any. 


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