Making a Case for NOT VOTING

It is fall, 2011, but somehow, it feels like 1984, creepy, dark and ugly.
    One of the mayoral candidates knocked on my door recently, red baseball cap and shorts, dropping by to shake my hand and chat my up for a vote. I hadn't had that experience since 35 years ago in Delaware when I met one of the DuPonts.
    As an Independent voter I'm open. We talked, he breezed over a few light topics and left. Days later I got a "random phone survey" from a company in the upper Midwest that was an in depth device on the November mayoral election here in Tucson.
    Intended to poison the well on a number of candidates, it asked repeatedly to reinforce my opinions in the light of "uncovered information" on the candidates: would you feel as strongly as you do if you found out they, (took money illegally, lied on the stand, had an affair with a Martian Lesbian, and so on). So far as I could tell none of the candidates were spared.
    Even the guy who stopped by my place wasn't spared.
    Yesterday, I get two pieces of campaign mail, one with a Republicans face on it - all smiles, 'VOTE FOR ME.' The other, running against him, " Don't vote for this guy, money is missing!!" Picture - War Criminal. Same Guy.
    Got a phone call on my cell, young girl says, Vote for Susie, and I asked her why? She says, because she's a hard worker. I told her, so am I. I know nothing about the candidate, why should I work for her. " UH, uh..OK, "  she says. Go to our web site. Hangs up.
    Listen to Michelle Bachmann. Delightful lady, absolutely gorgeous, but...I cannot get one solid fact out of her. Exactly what are you going to do? How high, when, how much, and why? It's not there. It is all part of the year-long stream of political blather the lame stream media insists on siphoning into our ears for a solid year. And the political ads? Geez people, hit the mute button and go get a sandwich and beer til the program comes back on.
    My point of all this is, Barack Obama promised lots of stuff: spelled it out in detail. He gave us numbers, dates, and specifics. And, most of what he said never happened. His plan for getting elected (I've seen it) was to target all the counties in America where low-income and racial and ethnic groups lived, then he aimed messages at them.
    He sounded good, told all of us what we really wanted to hear. Then the hard part came - American Politics. Nothing, or almost nothing happened.
    My point in all this is simple. I am not going to participate in this game any more. If Barack Obama can't get it done, then nobody can.
    My feelings are these, I saw it on a bill-board in Idaho years ago and the more I think about it, the more I now believe it is true.

            if voting actually changed anything -
           it would probably be illegal.


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