Politics- This wild political talk has GOT TO STOP.
I've lived through a lot of elections, mid-terms, like the one coming up in three weeks, as well as much bally-hooed national, presidential run-offs, as well.
In the last decade I have often mused that nothing much has surprised me anymore, jaded or well experienced, I thought I had "seen it all." Not so, this time around, these mid-term election scare the hell out of me.
It has gotten so dirty, so violent, heated and vitriolic, that I can only judge it to be as over the top as Lincoln's election. I hear public speeches using terms like,
" Something has to be done about," and then political figures are named.
I read internet messages, and magazine articles about rousing politically charged militia fringe groups, and on the other hand, rumors about left wing sympathetic groups surrounding the president, all ominous in tone, all as a result of the upcoming mid-term elections.
The over-heated catastrophic dream-beat of the country, our civilization, has got to stop. The media we all know is fanning flames that may lead to a cataclysm of violence after election counts are completed. This O'Donnell woman in Delaware, blah, blah, then Lou Dobbs hires undocumented Martians, this kind of wild stuff. Anything to sway the elections at the last minute. They worry more about Meg Whitman's maids then how much Jerry Brown sunk the state of California into massive debt. Bill Maher comments on O'Donnel in Delaware that there is evidence that she was not at a third college instead of voter ISSUES that she might have a chance to improve.
Maybe it is true...maybe we do get the government we deserve. Can you imagine electing the dregs like Bill Maher AND Jerry? We get bad jokes and bad government. Brown pushed through laws that allowed some school teachers and government employers such a high retirement pay, some kicked out of their jobs in their 30's at FULL retirement.( California is on the brink of bankruptcy now because of all that.)
I remember when Nixon left office and Ford took over, the presidency continued, the government chugged on and never missed a beat. The Constitution worked...we worked. But, for the first time in my adulthood, I'm getting a sinking feeling in my stomach, that we draw ever closer to the edge of the pit.
No doubt in my mind that Obama is a geniune nice guy, he means everything he says, he has geniune good feelings in his heart: good family man, good husband, wants the best for his country. I also believe that now we see he is NOT locked into the job. He's even losing the kids that originally voted him in.
He does not get "IT."
All the polls show WE all get "it." Come the mid-terms, my gut tells me, we jointly take a sharp turn to the right, and my hope is, we do it GENTLY.
In the last decade I have often mused that nothing much has surprised me anymore, jaded or well experienced, I thought I had "seen it all." Not so, this time around, these mid-term election scare the hell out of me.
It has gotten so dirty, so violent, heated and vitriolic, that I can only judge it to be as over the top as Lincoln's election. I hear public speeches using terms like,
" Something has to be done about," and then political figures are named.
I read internet messages, and magazine articles about rousing politically charged militia fringe groups, and on the other hand, rumors about left wing sympathetic groups surrounding the president, all ominous in tone, all as a result of the upcoming mid-term elections.
The over-heated catastrophic dream-beat of the country, our civilization, has got to stop. The media we all know is fanning flames that may lead to a cataclysm of violence after election counts are completed. This O'Donnell woman in Delaware, blah, blah, then Lou Dobbs hires undocumented Martians, this kind of wild stuff. Anything to sway the elections at the last minute. They worry more about Meg Whitman's maids then how much Jerry Brown sunk the state of California into massive debt. Bill Maher comments on O'Donnel in Delaware that there is evidence that she was not at a third college instead of voter ISSUES that she might have a chance to improve.
Maybe it is true...maybe we do get the government we deserve. Can you imagine electing the dregs like Bill Maher AND Jerry? We get bad jokes and bad government. Brown pushed through laws that allowed some school teachers and government employers such a high retirement pay, some kicked out of their jobs in their 30's at FULL retirement.( California is on the brink of bankruptcy now because of all that.)
I remember when Nixon left office and Ford took over, the presidency continued, the government chugged on and never missed a beat. The Constitution worked...we worked. But, for the first time in my adulthood, I'm getting a sinking feeling in my stomach, that we draw ever closer to the edge of the pit.
No doubt in my mind that Obama is a geniune nice guy, he means everything he says, he has geniune good feelings in his heart: good family man, good husband, wants the best for his country. I also believe that now we see he is NOT locked into the job. He's even losing the kids that originally voted him in.
He does not get "IT."
All the polls show WE all get "it." Come the mid-terms, my gut tells me, we jointly take a sharp turn to the right, and my hope is, we do it GENTLY.
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