Arizona's Prop 107- equality for all

It once was said of Tucson's lead newspaper that whatever they championed, go the other way. In the past 20 years, I thought they mellowed. Not so on the Prop 107, which calls for equal opportunity for all under the law: " Government should NOT favor one race, gender or ethnicity over another." (I'd add age if I could having just turned 70, yeah, I know, I know, there's a law against ageism, but - go try and enforce it when the interviewer is 14 and hasn't shaved yet.)
Anyway, the STAR'S editorial goes on to say, "the U of A's office of Institutional Equality policy (whatever the hell that is..) as evidence that the school SKEWS hiring decisions to meet quotas (just love that word) of women and minorities.
The Star," this is also about what Arizona values -work forces and student bodies that reflect our diversity."
Maybe, maybe not. I was taught, way back when I was in high school in South Philadelphia, that you got a good education, worked hard, you would get a good job and succeed in life. It was that simple. I did all those things, and I refer you to the above.
It is now, not up to the best qualified person to get the job, the best educated, the best experienced person. One has to fit a profile, outside those qualifications. What color, what gender, what social, maybe even, someday, political background you come from. Where does it stop? Consider the ghosts of "cross-bussing. Federal courts were probably responsible for the greatest population shift in this country's history. In the end, they rescinded the edict. You cannot legislate something the public will not comply with, when in their hearts they judge to be fundementally unfair. Cross bussing no longer exists as a policy to rectify racial problems in school attendence.
Two decades ago, I was representing a commercial interest at a large luncheon here in Tucson, and sat next to several people in the aviation industry.
One man sitting next to me asked an HR executive from a jet manufacturer the following question: " if you had two men vying for the same sales and marketing position within your prestigous company (and, it was), all qualifications being equal, one man black, the other white, whom would you hire?
The conversation was quiet, just between the two of them, I was sitting in the middle, so I got to hear.
The HR maven said, " I would hire the black man, even IF he was NOT as well qualified." His exact words.
True, the original question may be considered racist by some. And, upon reflexion, so is the answer. ALL three men, including me are white.
The jet manufacturer is no longer in business.
I think Arizonans should vote yes on Prop 107. If we chose someone, it should be on that person's merits, and that alone


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