GUN CONTROL FREAKS - The ParanoBids are after Us

About thirty odd years ago, this battle over guns - lets admit it - hand guns, was debated in
American society along these lines: handguns are awful, confiscate them. NRA, no, 2nd Amendment. We have a right.
    Well then, we demand registration. yes, that's it, register all firearms at the local police station, after all, you've got to have a license to drive, so, you have to have a license to own a gun.
     Gun owners: NO. Registration leads to confiscation.
     That racket was in the newspapers magazines around the late 60's and through the early 70's. I know this because I have extensive files and news clips in my notebooks.
      Flash forward to Aurora. Psychiatry has honed in the root of the problem: mental illness. The infection is spreading. Details abound, Drs Ablow, Lipman, other nationwide psychiatricts, psychologists of records are televising their anaysis which synopsizes roughly the following: forget guns. Focus on young peoples' mental breakdown's profile. And, then they outline it.
     "We shouldn't even be talking about guns" one doc says, " it is a distraction. The Aurora shooter had a pre-determined pattern and he followed it text book.
     Our problem: Michael Moore and Mayor Bloomberg of New York City.
Both have anti-gun agendas and long histories of attempts to destroy Amendment 2 guarantees embedded in our Constitutional protection for our citizens. Literally, it seemed the bodies were not cold in theatre 9 in Aurora before Mayor Bloomberg starting shooting his mouth off about "doing something about guns."
      Under their rule, comes the day when the Army knocks on every door, and collects 350 million private guns in the hands of our citizens, do they really feel that Americans will give them up peacefully as the Filipinos did for Marcos? As the French did for the Germans?
      Today, in July of the 21st Centursy we know that the arguments of the 70s was true, registration WILL  lead to confiscation. Only this is America, and we are not a nation of sheep. Americans know when we are being sold a bill of goods, a con job. This is not central Europe, not the late 30's, there are no long lines of trains waiting for us.
      There are over 300 million guns in this country, and that is our original Homeland Security.


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