Understand, I don't want to sound like "Tail Gunner Joe McCarthy" but I'd like to make a point or two. When I qas in Junior High in Philadelphia during 1955, during break, we went to Auditorium and they played the Army McCarthy hearings on TV while we sat in the audience chairs doing study projects and/or homework.
     Psyche studies I've gone through tell me I have  absorbent mind, a "photographic" memory of sorts. Believe it, don't, I don't care, but I REMEMBER all of those live newscasts. The worry of the time was Communist infiltration of their 'mind-set' into our value system in America. Senate testimony expressed concern. Why?
     The Communists they interviewed ( some Hollywood Stars) said, " it will take time, the Communists realize changing our way of thinking won't happen over night. "
      My point?  In the Korean War, we sent our troops to South Korea and we killed Communist North Koreans by the trainload. They butchered  innocent South Korean villagers in untold masses. I rememjber news reals in the movie theatres showing piles of them, dead, stacked four feet high that ran for 30 feet. All dead, shot, tortured after the Northern Army left their village.
      We fought to help protect them. Fifty years ago we killed the Communist enemy. General MacArthur wanted to A-Bomb the Yalu River with 5 bombs to prevent a Chinese invasion from the north. That got him fired. Truman brought him home.  Eisenhower elected later, stopped the fighting, but never ended the war, officially.
      Communists are LEGAL in this country. The thought was to let them declare openly. At least we now now who they are and where. IN MY OPINION this ties all in with the shameful deterioration of the lack of education of our childred in PUBLIC SCHOOLS. .....WHY, you ask?
      There are SOME COMMUNISTS running our Public Schools. Don't think so? Use your computer like I did. It's all in there. Most School Boards will have their political affiliation listed. And their relationship to family members in CONGRESS.
      " .........those who give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve to have neither.",,,,Benjamin Franklin

      " .......to DISARM people, is the most effective way to enslave them!!,......George Mason, Virginian, ( Father of the Bill of Rights)   I was in his house in Williamsburg, Va.

      ",,,,,,,what is a Militia?  It is the whole people, except for a few politicians !".....Geo Mason


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