I spend too much time hanging around women, adoring them, protecting them, and then also noting them they start screaming for their " RIGHTS" in crowded places, my darlings later appear in movies, TV shows and public events with loaded pistols in their hands, playing gunfighting ladies in distress.
     Or, shot up, cut up, girls in distress, slashed up murder victims, tough as nails lesbian cops or "floaters" as the police call them, dragged from some God forsaken river, partially nude a made up drowned murder victim. 
     I counted last week all the shows on tv - all the cop shows, murder mysteries, spook shows and jump-out-of-the closet boogies man slasher shows. There wasn't ONE where the GUY GOT KILLED.  Twenty one girls got sliced and diced. 
     Ever notice when the girl is in the kitchen at night with the frig door open, when she goes to shut it, there's a big scary guy behind it?  ALWAYS?  Go ahead, count the cliches. Dare you. Hollywood writers get paid for that crap - over and over again. 
     We are deluged on the tube with girls getting murdered nightly, in the slashed movies. There are even network channel devoted to just that, alone. 
      As I write this, my wife is watching a Zombie slasher movie on TV. America is turning ghoulish.
And now, women are banding together marching for.......what? Gentleness from their men? Softness amongst the male sex?  Well, this male is as confused as most men are. I never hurt anyone, man or woman. Never laid a hand on ANYONE in anger, but my 6 foot 3 inch, broad shoulder frame intimidates most women I meet, and ditto most guys. 
      A short note to the ladies: look for men who love to laugh. Now there is a redeeming quality. " A Hollywood marriage is one where the couple promises to be faithful until after the honeymoon." - Anonymous.


  1. frank McLaury
    lIn the 50's we fought Communists in Korea by force of Arms, killing as many as our Commanders would allow. I personally awarded a medical to one soldier last year who served at Chosin. We hjave not het declared victory in that war. TODAY, thanks to the lazy drigt towards " Progressives "
    Communists , we now have them on American sc hool boartds governing the ed ucation (or the lacki thereof) of our kids. So,mer, even relaqted to people in Congress.Where's the Joe MacCarthy of yester year? Yet, The Clinton News Network (CNN) and MSNBC blathr on covering ---what? Adolph said it 70 years ago. Lie enough and often, and they eventually will believe it.

  2. frank McLaury
    lIn the 50's we fought Communists in Korea by force of Arms, killing as many as our Commanders would allow. I personally awarded a medical to one soldier last year who served at Chosin. We hjave not het declared victory in that war. TODAY, thanks to the lazy drigt towards " Progressives "
    Communists , we now have them on American sc hool boartds governing the ed ucation (or the lacki thereof) of our kids. So,mer, even relaqted to people in Congress.Where's the Joe MacCarthy of yester year? Yet, The Clinton News Network (CNN) and MSNBC blathr on covering ---what? Adolph said it 70 years ago. Lie enough and often, and they eventually will believe it.


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