I got high scores in a psyche test for ferreting out future trends based on being able to read " the tea leaves," so to speak. My mother was what I would call a Sensitive, as her mother before her.
Grand mom predicted the day of her own death and the method. She was right. Spooky.
Mom saw old friends pass off to greater glory - albeit - quietly moments before the telephone would ring, and she would often react with a " oh, I know, I'm so sorry." And, let it go. I knew it, she would later tell me. I saw it.
Sex, there I said it and I'm glad. Pornography is a strange and ugly world depending on how you were raised. To me, just a word in the dictionary. Filmed sex between adults ( or, it HAD better be.) Two or more, CONSENTING adults, where no one gets hurt. There, I think I covered it.
Anyway, post-drug generation of the 60's it has been permeating our culture. Europe is different, I'm talking here, America. In the last 20 years, I have seen the apparent legitimization of mate-swapping clubs which appear regularly on cable television. Homosexuality seems now mainstream with communal marriage laws passed everywhere. Pregnancy rates creep slowly down into the weirdest places - Junior High School,, as does the need for Police Officers in grades 7 through 10.
I know this because I used to teach those grades, and occasionally would separate the boys from the girls with a crowbar.
Newsweek Magazine recently had a cover with a delightful young lady pushing a story about menage a tois, sex with 3 people in bed together. In NEWSWEEK, not some shady, greasy back shelf porno-shop rack on a dark street. I can't believe it.
Talk about Mainstream. If you are a sex film fan, cable television offers in most states all the pornography you want at high inflated prices. Want to see a littler slap-dash and tickle? Keep your wallet open. And Craigslist. It's more wide open than ever. And, you thought the men strayed from home eh? The List covers " frustrated wives " in numbers that rise and fall in the oddest positions so to speak, ebb and flow, depending on how you, or your friends are keenly interested.
Divorce due to sexual desires in the older set (over 50) is rising. Nothing dramatic, BUT, it is going up. Movies on the cable and network are being produced with themes about OPEN marriage, Swinging - a metaphor for openly fooling around, are popping up hither and yon. In other words - out of the closet. Mate Swapping and OPEN marriage first punched through at least 30 years ago, driving most of the clergy crazy and the flocks back to houses of worship.
Now, the churches are near empty, closed or up for sale, turned into night clubs and the kids are stealing your drugs from the medicine cabinet before their group-gropes in the basement. You tell me
which way are we headed?
Grand mom predicted the day of her own death and the method. She was right. Spooky.
Mom saw old friends pass off to greater glory - albeit - quietly moments before the telephone would ring, and she would often react with a " oh, I know, I'm so sorry." And, let it go. I knew it, she would later tell me. I saw it.
Sex, there I said it and I'm glad. Pornography is a strange and ugly world depending on how you were raised. To me, just a word in the dictionary. Filmed sex between adults ( or, it HAD better be.) Two or more, CONSENTING adults, where no one gets hurt. There, I think I covered it.
Anyway, post-drug generation of the 60's it has been permeating our culture. Europe is different, I'm talking here, America. In the last 20 years, I have seen the apparent legitimization of mate-swapping clubs which appear regularly on cable television. Homosexuality seems now mainstream with communal marriage laws passed everywhere. Pregnancy rates creep slowly down into the weirdest places - Junior High School,, as does the need for Police Officers in grades 7 through 10.
I know this because I used to teach those grades, and occasionally would separate the boys from the girls with a crowbar.
Newsweek Magazine recently had a cover with a delightful young lady pushing a story about menage a tois, sex with 3 people in bed together. In NEWSWEEK, not some shady, greasy back shelf porno-shop rack on a dark street. I can't believe it.
Talk about Mainstream. If you are a sex film fan, cable television offers in most states all the pornography you want at high inflated prices. Want to see a littler slap-dash and tickle? Keep your wallet open. And Craigslist. It's more wide open than ever. And, you thought the men strayed from home eh? The List covers " frustrated wives " in numbers that rise and fall in the oddest positions so to speak, ebb and flow, depending on how you, or your friends are keenly interested.
Divorce due to sexual desires in the older set (over 50) is rising. Nothing dramatic, BUT, it is going up. Movies on the cable and network are being produced with themes about OPEN marriage, Swinging - a metaphor for openly fooling around, are popping up hither and yon. In other words - out of the closet. Mate Swapping and OPEN marriage first punched through at least 30 years ago, driving most of the clergy crazy and the flocks back to houses of worship.
Now, the churches are near empty, closed or up for sale, turned into night clubs and the kids are stealing your drugs from the medicine cabinet before their group-gropes in the basement. You tell me
which way are we headed?
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