In 1859 many Northerners in America could swear on grandma's Bible that we would never come to blows here I -his country: North against the South. Too many brothers and sisters fathers, sons and daughters across "enemy" lines. Nope...nah, never could.
      It happened, devastating death, over 600,000 killed, wounded, maimed, mauled and angry, and in this year of our Lord,  2017 - still pissed off. As John Wayne once remarked about the Civil War, " it'll be over soon, I hope." 
      Not since Reconstruction Days 1865 til (now, some say) has anger, white hot, emotion, hatred, vengeance and white hot lines in the sand been drawn in our nation over the November 2016 election.  I have read and analyzed two dozen people in the public media here in our country, whom I trust, not some far out flakes. People who have decades entrench in good public analysis of our system of government, and under one month of the new president's tenure they have jumped the tracks of cogent comments and common sense many have been known for.
     The anger between the political classes is getting overheated to the point that threats of violence are very real. Violence - think of it. The President has mentioned calling out the Guard for various duties should things get out of hand. One political party has resorted to cheap tricks and name calling. The other, has it's hands putting out the fires.
     No longer can I trust ANY of them. I would suggest an arm's reach for anyone searching for analysis from the media in this country. Mr Reagan had the same difficulty when entering office, as does President Trump; he issued a game plan, made promises, and upon entering the office, had the temerity of carrying out his game plan immediately.
    It is my opinion that this time Mr. Trump suffers from an electorate far less educated than those benefitting Reagan. Most, today don't understand what Socialism means, how it operates, and in most cases, probably can't spell it. One of the Senators ran on that platform early, got a huge response from college kids, then he dropped out.
    Graduation rates have plummeted, test scores, ditto. Teachers polled indicate a goodly proportion say those that leave, couldn't be persuaded to return to teaching for ANY amount of money. And the UNIONS tried to block the new Education Sec'y for good reason, she backs school choice, and private school. The Unions are running scared.


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