In the commercial aviation business a "deadhead" was somebody on board not paying a nickle for the ride, just moving from point A to B, usually just along for the ride.
     Here I use the  expression for our Millenial friends, too young to have absorbed who won the Civil War, or where, exactly, is Iowa. But, they hate like HELL to be lied to. Cardinal Sin #1, just don't like it.
     We may be late to the game, but my wife and I dawdling over coffee this morning, came up with the theory that, after Obama's two runs at the White House, the load of crap he pitched at us to garner our votes and the "return to sender" stamp we got back in the mail on almost all his promises (oh! you couldn't "keep your doctor, too?"). That maybe, the kids got disgusted with our political system, and are sitting this outO
     Or, maybe,  that's why the big surge for Heartburn Burnie Sanders, the prequel to a Communist lead invasion of our economic system which our kids have no fu%$*&^ idea what outcomes that will bring. ( Soviet Union food lines of the 50's and early 60's), and other maladies too numerous to mention.
     So, lying, two faced politicians, ULTIMATELY, brings lighter turn out. And the pundits always ask the same questions after the election: " How come we elected this person when only 45% of voters turned out?"


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