Events around our nation are rapidly spinning out of control. Each morning, in my opinion, it feels like a new, major crises arises involving a major upheavel in civil unrest, killing of civilians, snipers, needless deaths of our police, and helpless inaction by the White House.
This is being written the morning after the Baton Rouge police slayings.
A photo of Mr. Obama at a press conference catches him with a dark and semi frightening look in his eyes - one that I've never seen before. He looks to me - scared; frightened.
I am serious. There have been so many mass shootings I'm losing count. He has been on so many planes, to so many mourning ceremonies, I'm sure he's lost count. AND STILL WE SPIN OUT OF CONTROL. All he can do is issue platitudes on gun control, which does no good.
We drive deeper into the ground out of control. Out of HIS control. IMO, I think he realizes it's out of his control, too. In my circle of friends we discuss the middle east conflict, the early pull out of troops, the confusion caused with the re=insertion of troops. It's difficult to tell who's on first.
Conditions are more critical than we honestly can admit to. Many of us already acknowledge Obama is NOT a war-time president. He can't handle conflict. This THING we're headed for is over his head and I think he knows it.
If Biden and the Joint Chiefs could approach him quietly and arrange for a graceful exit, and Joe would take over for the next six months, it would take the pressure off him, the country, and the nation as a whole, alleviating the tedious position we are now in politically and in the eyes of a nervous, up-tight electorate, who are,beginning to run wild.
This is being written the morning after the Baton Rouge police slayings.
A photo of Mr. Obama at a press conference catches him with a dark and semi frightening look in his eyes - one that I've never seen before. He looks to me - scared; frightened.
I am serious. There have been so many mass shootings I'm losing count. He has been on so many planes, to so many mourning ceremonies, I'm sure he's lost count. AND STILL WE SPIN OUT OF CONTROL. All he can do is issue platitudes on gun control, which does no good.
We drive deeper into the ground out of control. Out of HIS control. IMO, I think he realizes it's out of his control, too. In my circle of friends we discuss the middle east conflict, the early pull out of troops, the confusion caused with the re=insertion of troops. It's difficult to tell who's on first.
Conditions are more critical than we honestly can admit to. Many of us already acknowledge Obama is NOT a war-time president. He can't handle conflict. This THING we're headed for is over his head and I think he knows it.
If Biden and the Joint Chiefs could approach him quietly and arrange for a graceful exit, and Joe would take over for the next six months, it would take the pressure off him, the country, and the nation as a whole, alleviating the tedious position we are now in politically and in the eyes of a nervous, up-tight electorate, who are,beginning to run wild.
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