Over the past decades, I've made it my habit to read, research and consume as many books on the subject of American Politics as I can. I've devolved into everything from Buckley to Styron, to Vidal, Ginsberg, Ayers, Bill Bennett, Bill Shirer, irrespective of time, place, historical perspective and political bent.
    I consume(d) vast quantities of c-span programs on political analysis, review of books by authors covering both sides of historical events, presidents, and their combined viewpoints on monumental decisions that changed America.
    Television shows, cable news networks of today now are forced to present discussions on subjects with panels that are balanced with views from both conservatives and liberals. I refuse to watch channels and programs devoid of fair balance such as MSNBC or the Bill Maher Show on HBO, where fairness of reporting is absent, in my view.
     My conclusions are these: everybody cheats. As Dr. House once said, Everybody Lies. They do I grow weary now of reading endless tomes of this party or that researched to death by knit-picky nasty little authors rummaging through every last detail of the politicos lives to prove their dishonesty. When, my grandfather knew it all along. He was right.
     Everybody does it. From Sherman Adams "Vicuna Coat" scandal during the Eisenhower administration to Michelle Malkin's book Culture of Corruption, written just six months after Obama took office, it is proof positive, that given the " equal opportunity" under the law, everybody cheats, lies and corrupts the environment.
     Everybody does it.
     Run a fine-tooth comb through the Clinton Administration and dozens of evil doers will fall out, starting with the Lincoln Bedroom occupants. Did they represent the IDEALS of Washington, Lincoln or Kennedy? You tell yourself that. Go ahead.
     The comb again through the scandal plagued Bush II administration. My ex-wife was Michael Deaver's travel agent in Media, Pennsylvania. The stories there? Interesting.
      Equal Opportunity should be extended to every group, you name it. By logical extension, they all should have the right to prove they are as human as all of us, tempted by greed, lust, desire and other not so pleasant human drives that at times, propel us all.
      Let's get it out in the open,


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