WOMEN IN COMBAT -- The Slippery Slope at the Bottom
" We got our women into combat areas with little or no public adverse reaction. Apparently, it was no big deal,"....A female Pentagon Army General in a dated press release.
I don't know about you, but I never knew about Jimmy Carter or Clinton rubber stamping a
Women's Movement project to move our female troops close to hot zones. Did you? It had to get past Congress. You don't suppose that body sneaked that one past us on the down-low, DO YOU?
Now, two Pentagon military biggies released a story TODAY, saying that in their long-term view of military preparedness, they can fore-see a DRAFT for women in war-time.
Do you remember the Vietnam War draft resistors fleeing to Canada to avoid our draft? My God, they're still up there, even with Jimmah Carter forgiving them, n' all. (shame Slick Willie didn't join them).
If our shiftless Congress passes legislation to draft our girls into front-line combat duty, how many of your daughters will flee to Canada to join those shiftless bastards from the Vietnam era? I am disgusted with the moral drift at sea of today's current family values that witness Mom enlisting while Daddy plays house with the kids. "Mommy" comes home in uniform, on leave, drops her duffel bag and picks up her toddlers, while Daddy/Mom makes dinner.
Recent reports on our women troops returning from areas where they experience battle, show that female GI suicide rates among their group are TRIPLE what male GIs suffer. It is " ALARMING" according to Pentagon Reports.
The Media is NOT covering THAT story.
I don't know about you, but I never knew about Jimmy Carter or Clinton rubber stamping a
Women's Movement project to move our female troops close to hot zones. Did you? It had to get past Congress. You don't suppose that body sneaked that one past us on the down-low, DO YOU?
Now, two Pentagon military biggies released a story TODAY, saying that in their long-term view of military preparedness, they can fore-see a DRAFT for women in war-time.
Do you remember the Vietnam War draft resistors fleeing to Canada to avoid our draft? My God, they're still up there, even with Jimmah Carter forgiving them, n' all. (shame Slick Willie didn't join them).
If our shiftless Congress passes legislation to draft our girls into front-line combat duty, how many of your daughters will flee to Canada to join those shiftless bastards from the Vietnam era? I am disgusted with the moral drift at sea of today's current family values that witness Mom enlisting while Daddy plays house with the kids. "Mommy" comes home in uniform, on leave, drops her duffel bag and picks up her toddlers, while Daddy/Mom makes dinner.
Recent reports on our women troops returning from areas where they experience battle, show that female GI suicide rates among their group are TRIPLE what male GIs suffer. It is " ALARMING" according to Pentagon Reports.
The Media is NOT covering THAT story.
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