For the first time in recorded history off this country, that I know of, a sitting president has put about 10,000 American troops in harms way by ordering them NOT TO ATTACK enemy forces in Afghanistan.
    I witnessed Senate Testimony two days ago where our top Generals of our forces now stationed in that country said to the Senators, " I do NOT have the authority to order an attack on the enemy."
    A few years ago, I predicted this excuse of a president was not a war-time leader. Sadly, to order our forces as the Commander in Chief, NOT TO ATTACK, is flagrantly contradicting his duty as president, let alone putting the lives of the troops in balance.
    I am not a big time Constitutional lawyer as the president claims to be, but, in my humble opinion, if the appropriate legal minds were to shake off the politically correct shackles of the present day encumbrances, may they find the right statutes at law to initiate an impeachment against Obama based on this lapse?


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