Ok, everybody is on edge with this the president announces we've got nothing to worry about, he's checked with his national defense team - and " we are all ok.
Tonight it was reported that the FBI arrested some terrorist a middle easterner who has been hiding out here in New York running a pizza shop for 14 years, funneling cash to ISIS, and other nefarious deeds, all while under the banner of a converted US citizen. This guy, this pizza parlor, spy was trying to get guns to ISIS killers coming to the states who WANTED TO MURDER OUR RETURNING GI'S. Oh, BTW, the FBI reduced his charges.
Not to get stuck in the " profiling " jargon of the liberal wing of American political scene today, but he wasn't difficult to spot. His name was .,,,I'm not sure, something like Ali Baba Mujabar. Tough to miss in the phone directory.
White skull cap, long white dress shirt, looks like he just came from an I-hate-America Rally in Iraq.
My point: Once again, Obama makes a statement, and in 24 hours later, the total opposite pops up and bites us on the rear end. Count them. How many times does that have to happen before America wakes up before the election in 16.
Do we need a sea change at 1600 or what? Can we do any worse? I honestly don't think so. How long are you willing to accept smoke up your skirts?
Tonight it was reported that the FBI arrested some terrorist a middle easterner who has been hiding out here in New York running a pizza shop for 14 years, funneling cash to ISIS, and other nefarious deeds, all while under the banner of a converted US citizen. This guy, this pizza parlor, spy was trying to get guns to ISIS killers coming to the states who WANTED TO MURDER OUR RETURNING GI'S. Oh, BTW, the FBI reduced his charges.
Not to get stuck in the " profiling " jargon of the liberal wing of American political scene today, but he wasn't difficult to spot. His name was .,,,I'm not sure, something like Ali Baba Mujabar. Tough to miss in the phone directory.
White skull cap, long white dress shirt, looks like he just came from an I-hate-America Rally in Iraq.
My point: Once again, Obama makes a statement, and in 24 hours later, the total opposite pops up and bites us on the rear end. Count them. How many times does that have to happen before America wakes up before the election in 16.
Do we need a sea change at 1600 or what? Can we do any worse? I honestly don't think so. How long are you willing to accept smoke up your skirts?
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