The National Rifle Association is a handy "stalking horse," a real bad guy for the left wing socialistic types in our country, the ones taking pot shots at our Bill of Rights....yeah, BILL OF RIGHTS. Did you ever read them? Have you ever gone to Philadelphia, Independence Hall, stood in the room where the Declaration was signed? The NRA is as much to blame for violence as tooth decay and Obama knows this. In my opinion, his agenda IS TO DISARM AMERICA.
Somebody has got to SAY it. Might as well be me. Ever knows, deep down some bone deep "truisms'
1. Obama's chronic low rating\m of confidence means almost no one trusts him. I don't. Do you?
2. A growing number of folks are afraid to call him what Joe-the-Plumber did: Socialist. He is.
3. He cannot account for himself until dinner. "yes, I will." (no, he won't) Just watch and learn.
4. He is a terrible manager. Don't think so? IRS...Secret Service (clown car): American Fence Jumping Association,..DOD ($500)million gas station in nowhere)...$50 million African vacation. Leaky Borders, trainload of Central American children, Border Patrol
Agents and a multi-million dollar Healthcare Web-site with the "flu", I could go on.
Gun Control, for Obama is now a handy crutch. He doesn't know what else to say when these shootings happen. I'm waiting for a band of Psychiatrists to form and issue a psyche analysis of the degeneration of the public based on the leaderless, fecklessness of our society, the rotting away of direction which starts from the top.
The loss of values, hope and direction emanates from the White House, that shining house on the hill. So far we have experienced disgust, racism, anger, disregard for human life and a paradigm of lies, half truths that fool no one.
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