Blather rivers out of Washington these days like the Guns of August, "Ready, Fire, Aim" and as to the above, I see no skill at hitting any of their targets, do you?
     As to the latest shooting offered up in quiet, bucolic Oregon, think Connecticut as to highly similar circumstances: Mommy wants Junior to be happy so she buys him a small Armory of weapons for him to shoot up the neighborhood. Wild eyed over something he does so.
     BTW, he bought some iron LEGALLY so, so much for background checks. Last time I checked the "media" had little or no info on his history of mental health. But, whose waiting for the facts. Just ask Obama on that score.
     The bodies had not assumed room temp before he was on the telly drumming up support for gun confiscation (read-"sensible" gun laws). That pissed everybody off in Roseburg as to politely ask him publicly NOT to show up. Forever the diplomat, he's coming, anyway.
     So, the War on Guns has stalled at the ramparts of the 2nd Amendment. The county Sheriff where it all happened said he will NOT enforce any federal provisions against guns.
     Poverty: LBJ should be spinning in his grave, BHO is pitching truckloads of our cash into Johnson's grave site trying to out do him, and it failing. With a natl debt higher now than all the US presidents before him put together, imminent economic collapse has been predicted as a result. Pyrrhic Victory?
     Helping the homeless just got worse. Syria compounded the problem by sending us 50,000 of their poorest refugees. I'm not against it, but is this the right way to handle it? European problems now at our front door, it appears Alvin Toffler (Future Shock author) was right. America is becoming the lifeboat of Civilization. It seems everyone seeks refuge here.
     Now over 300,000+ people this mixed (fruit salad of ours grows more diverse - and poorer. Germany is to be commended for their actions, but, last time they didn't like " different " people, they murdered over 6 million of them.   Angela Merkel's heart was in the right place, but, some of her electorate seem miffed at her for doing this.
     We continue to throw money at our problems and the empty Katrina trailers still rotting in Louisiana.  And Congress?  Still stuck in neutral.
     War on I have to expand on that? I sense in the land, a collective tension. What will come next? A bomb blast in New York ? Five jumbo jets blowing up over Chicago? Does anyone really feel SAFE in our own country? Now whack-jobs here in America cutting off heads with knives like they do in the desert over there. ASK YOUR SELF THIS: ARE YOU SAFER NOW THAN 7 YEARS AGO?


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