This week's crop of films at the local theatres sparked a conversation at home about the brain drain in my country reflected in the cultural crap previewed in our entertainment ex-Hollywood.
    The only product I can honestly find worth involving my family in is Tom Hanks new movie about the U2 spy plane incident because I was in the Air Force at the time and went on full alert when it happened. Hanks and Spielberg's involvement in the production also had a lot to do with it as well.
    Next, maybe Tenure's the Intern and maybe Bullock's film about election finagling. I caught her interview on PBS and I admit she worries me. There seems to be sharp edges around her personality that bespeaks a history of scrapping the foggy bottom of Hollywood's crappy underbelly. Damage control otherwise, fleeing the place for quieter climes seems to have done her good. There's something Marilyn Monroe about her, I'll bet she draws men in to her, needing to shelter her from the storm, I'll bet. Just a thought. As an aside, she does not appear to be anything the character we see on the screen.
    The rest of the cinema offerings are a clash of shoot-$em ups, a mi
sh mash of kids graphics, animated bears and bunnies, or high school level approaches aimed at post teens adult wanna-bees not interested in really deep examinations of heady subjects surrounding us today.
    Donald Pleasance is dead, yet Horror Movies continue to rake in cash at the box office, witness the obsession with bizarre costumes at Halloween as a result.
    Did you know that Bruce Willis has just announced he is going to make a SIXTH movie in the series of his string about terrorists? SIX???
    Keep in mind, there are more girls in college now than boys, who are registering lower on the IQ scale than girls. Boys are en masse not interested in going to college. They want to play video games where they shoot up the Universe wearing goofy costumes and shoot ray guns. Think about it.


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