Making the case for the use of Hanguns Part 3 and Last

Finally,  comes now the use of handguns as the "equalizer," as they used to say in the old west. Thomas Hobbs, the philosopher, quoted as saying the first law of human nature is SURVIVAL. Few question this, if you do, you're liable to have your marbles checked out.
     In the obvious cases where the authorities cannot get the police there in time, it makes sense to defend yourownself. Even to that unfortunate penultimate extreme of ending the life of one's attacker. At one time in the past history of Pima County, Arizona, the current Sheriff announces to portions of his county, " SHERIFF TO COUNTY RESIDENTS: ARM YOURSELVES" Thus being he couldn't get a sheriff's deputy to far-flung outreaches of his jurisdiction in time to save lives. A truly common sense approach one hundred years ago, as well as when he said it recently.
     Here, we should discuss premature or excessive use of force by the intended victim. To paraphrase Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, calm deliberation is not to be expected under stress of trying to save your own life. To which I add, it's a tad too late to trot down to local sporting goods stores to stock up on shotguns, shells, fill out a ream of Federal Paperwork, and some such nonsense.
     (Under such stress, you would wish you prepared for this a trifle before hand.)
     I suppose that someday, the public may be so passive as to be disinclined to fight for their own skins. and, in that event, whatever guns are available will fall into the hands of the murder class who most apt to kill te citizenry with them.
     Thomas Jefferson, in his inaugural said ....." that the minority possess equal rights which to violate would be oppression." That, my friends, are gun owners, safely bonded under the 2nd Amendment.


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