Syria ---------Don't Do It

As an average American, born of traditional American values I feel the tug of wanting to help, I see the Cavalry coming over the hill, John Wayne leading the charge, bugle sounding, long columns of soldiers behind him.
    The rescue is on.
    Dont do it. I side with Greg Gutfeld on Fox News program " The Five. " The Middle East, as he puts it is like the crazy aunt in the 3rd floor of your house. There's nothing you really can do about her, nothing is ever going to do to fix her, you just got to live with her.
    You just got to learn to send food, hold good thoughts, encourage them to play nice, take away sharp objects, help where you can, but come to realize they have been killing each other since Cain and Able and basically, we can't fix it.
     Syria is a civil war. As Americans, let's all repeat the Middle East Honor roll of the dead: IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN, BENGHAZI, (shhhh, we're not supposed to talk about that one, are we?)LIBYA.
     I propose we end the Middle East Tour of the 101st right now and give our boys a break. They're tired, worn out, and all hands need a long rest.
     No one in the international community seems to want to play in the sand box with Mr. Obama anyway, England just bowed out, so, what say, let's call it a day, eh what?


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