The Debates....Lies People Tell Me (Part Two)

There is an old Scottish Proverb I learned long ago when I travelled extensively in the British Isles and it goes like this: "fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."
      This morning I sat in a meeting here in Tucson, filled with volunteers of senior citizens that try to help elderly people in Pima County, Arizona. One of the women here participated in her younger years in the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago riots, proudly, she added, contributing to the civil unrest inside the convention hall. A younger, prettier blond lady then, full of spunk and rebellion, her spirit was bucking the system then, and still was now.
      She voted for Obama then, and did now. However, she now has a 92 year old mother in a hospice situation in a far off state and shared with us that her Medicare has just changed, some technical situation has befallen her, some new twist in the complicated law not allowing her mother the benefits she once enjoyed.]
      "Apparently we'll have to look at this new health care law and try and change some aspects of it that don't benefit us," she said.
       Amazing,I added to the conversation. " I guess we'll have to pass it before WE FIND OUT WHAT'S IN IT, won't we?" I passed on.
       What in the hell is wrong with people.


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