The Death Penalty Revisited
For a time I thought the death penalty was not worth it. Why two graves in the earth? What could we learn from the killer? What studies from a warped mind could we apply to saving innocents in the future?
Now, I don't know. Arizona just passed a law tightening up death penalty cases. I was shocked. For pre-meditated murder, first degree, no parole. NO PAROLE? I didn't know a parole was EVER granted to a killer who planned an assassination.
Now, as of today, any killer who plans, organizes and carries out a killing goes down for life, no parole. Thanks, state legislature.
The Son of Sam killer is still in jail, Berkowitz is still alive, getting fat on the tax payers dime, writing books and doing an occasional TV interview, Ditto Manson.
In Philadelphia, the late, great Mayor, Frank Rizzo was once interviewed by KYW reporter who, as liberal as they get, asked him what he thought of the death penalty, and he like Romney, like Col. Oliver North stood up and squared the reporter away with a straight answer that blew away the media: I'm for it. I want him dead! I don't want to ever deal with him again, at least he's off the streets.
Now, I don't know. Arizona just passed a law tightening up death penalty cases. I was shocked. For pre-meditated murder, first degree, no parole. NO PAROLE? I didn't know a parole was EVER granted to a killer who planned an assassination.
Now, as of today, any killer who plans, organizes and carries out a killing goes down for life, no parole. Thanks, state legislature.
The Son of Sam killer is still in jail, Berkowitz is still alive, getting fat on the tax payers dime, writing books and doing an occasional TV interview, Ditto Manson.
In Philadelphia, the late, great Mayor, Frank Rizzo was once interviewed by KYW reporter who, as liberal as they get, asked him what he thought of the death penalty, and he like Romney, like Col. Oliver North stood up and squared the reporter away with a straight answer that blew away the media: I'm for it. I want him dead! I don't want to ever deal with him again, at least he's off the streets.
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