Piers Morgan...Who IS this guy?

So, I turn on my TV one day and this guy with a kind of British accent appears interviewing people who "gets under their skin" and it's kind of funny... kind of different. And, for a while I watch. I enjoy.
      Then, a while into it, he turns political on us. What whoa -- a leftie, eh, what? Yep, an apostle of anti-gun, pro-Obama, semi-quiet rhetoric on his late night interview show, on the down-low, mind you, never bathing in the hi-profile Chicago-Seven blood against the wall attention grabbing rhetoric of days gone by...yet.
      Yet, on Leno, our newly arrived Brit is moved to lecture Americans on guns ---" 300 million guns in this country - THAT'S CRAZY," he be moans. Like he knows us.
       Here's something about him YOU don't know. Morgan apparently an ex newspaper editor from England. Former editor of the Daily Mirror was fired, so the news report goes for dummying up photos of British solders allegedly mistreating Iraqi prisoners. (it never happened) Big investigation, lots of headlines, troops exonerated, Piers was given..how do we say in America, " a chance to succeed down the street."
      It's all over the Internet - check yourself. I was told by a middle aged couple from Coventry, England who was visiting an World War II aviation Museum yesterday where I am a Docent. In a conversation with them about Mr. Morgan, they told me the above, I checked it out before writing about it here. Time and lack of space prohibited it from outlining the amount of disciplinary actions facing ole Piers for his past mis-steps in London as he purportedly mishandled the facts in the news business. Apparently, it is reported,  were more than a few.
     As for me, I am a nobody, a John Q Citizen of the American southwest who cherished Amendment 2 of our Constitution. I loathe anyone who buys a ticket from anywhere, sails in here and attempts to lecture us on his values on OUR RIGHTS. Especially when he may have a history with playing past and loose with the facts.


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