Sarah Palin - Let's be Honest

   I think it is time to get down to the nut-cutting on this doll.  It has been no less than tragic how she has been treated in America today. Elected Governor of the largest state in this great country, (don't think so?..check out the land mass, 'bout as large as the lower 48, bub!), you got to have something on the ball. And, what a headache, lack of enough state troopers, everybody getting drunk six months out of the year, alcoholism rampant, expensive, that clown Joe McGuinness looking up your skirt, every socialist, anti-war left wing comedian, pseudo- progressive intellectual taking pot-shots at your, your kid, your husband, your teen aged girl, your "lack" of parenting skills, God knows what else.
   And now the e/mails? The media is (are) not happy enough with the character assassination levelled on her during the last year when it looked like America would hoist her to the candidates chair.
   Grumpy, sarcastic, "journalists" like Jack Cafferty drank the collective kool-aide in sinking the dagger into her last year. Trouble is, the collective IQ in our country ranges from up to way-down, that a portion of us will probably believe "experts" like him.
   Remember when Obama held his first press conference? He told the reporters that most of " you voted for me." And they laughed? Because - they DID.
   They were the same folks who joyfully pilloried Sarah, on cue, no less.
   My thinking: If Sarah Palin was 67, ugly, single, a grouch, like Chris Christy from New Jersey,and wanted to run we wouldn't be talking about her.
   N.O.W. would be all over her like a warm winter fur coat. Sure, she's having "marital Problems!!" A WOMAN WHO IS TRYING TO HAVE IT ALL" is having trouble shouldering the stress of having it all. 
   Where the HELL is N.O.W? Answer: she is a Republican, and drowning, and N.O.W. is a little short on life rings for Repubs, especially good looking foxes who know what they are doing.
   Incidentally, her husband, Todd? He carries a gun, he's very protective of wife and family.


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