Jane Fonda....The Rehabilitation

It is said that Americans have a short memory. From my window I can see a gas hog of an 8 passenger off road "family" style vehicle. As a former car dealer in my town once said, " I sold a bunch of these off-roaders that I'll bet never seen dirt."
     Now that we pay these gas companies and Arabs our life savings for a tank, it still defies logic that we still make them, sell them, buy them and drive them. Go figure. Short term memories.
    Or, instant gratification takes too long.
    Or, we forget and want to get back to feeling good, feeling ok with with things. Ever watch Jay Leno do his Jay Walking? Out on the street with a mic, he asks tough questions like, " Who is buried in Grant's tomb?" ...and gets stupid answers back from college grads who say: " Who is Grant," or, President Roosevelt,..you get the idea. Nobody knows anymore.
   No history, no memory
   Jane knows that, so there is a public relations going on behind the scene. A lot of money is being spent somewhere, to re-manufacture her "image." Soon, all the people of John McCain's age will be gone and only the young and dumb will be left, and Hanoi Jane will be back, flick-meister that she is, smiling at the camera, all 51 operations and countless attempts to ingratiate herself with her public.
     We see more and more of Jane Fonda these days all glittery, glamorous, smiling. She pops up now and then in 30 second sound bites, no mention of her past, only feature length mentions of current day happenings, assiduously avoiding any political comments. I'd love to know what she's doing off the radar, wouldn't you??
    Gone, too are the news film of she and Ramsey Clarke visiting the Hanoi Hilton, and Jane sitting in the North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun position aiming at our own fighters flying by on missions against the communist north.    
   She was a big help back then
   Fonda once admitted in an interview a few years ago, I think it was on Larry King, that she had only ONE regret, that if she had a do-over, she wouldn't have posed on that ack-ack gun.
   Imagine: Fonda, only one regret. THINK OF IT!! I've got so many, I could fill a book
   Back-in-the-day, she was a lot of help - to them.
   But then again, someday soon, we will all forget. Won't that be a happy day?


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