Wharton School - " Good Theory" - a former Bank President

Ex-wives, their new husbands who are old friends, and their fathers...let me explain. Long ago, and far away on another planet (cut away to a space ship floating overhead... I married a beautiful blonde, didn't work out. Cut to present. She marries an old, old friend. Sorry Bob, didn't mean age, we all knew each other from High School. Bob played baseball, I foot ball. We all brushed up against each other as time wore on in the fifties.Anywho, cut to present, Bob is now her husband, his father is a bank VP who I knew quite well when I was a child going to Wharton School, big deal college at the U of Pennsylvania. Big deal, business, finance, marketing, high-end stuff. Donald Trump in my class: read birth place for big shots, K? Anyway, I'm all blown up about it, sitting next to Bob's dad the Vp in church one day and telling him about it, latest stuff I'm learning, and he's says, " GREAT THEORY."
   I was depressed for weeks.
   Now, decades later, I know he was right. I graduated with lots of guys who went on to Wall Street, many of whom I read about in the Wall Street Journal who, subsequently had to " re-state" their company earnings reports. That's French for got-caught-frying-the-books-now-we-got-to-fix-it before they go before a jury.
  It got so bad, I got depressed and cancelled my subscription to the WSJ. I cheated on one of my expense reports once, charged a lunch and added a tip that I forgot to leave. Couldn't sleep for a couple of nights until I went back and paid the waitress. I got audited once, couldn't sleep for a couple of nights even though I did'nt cheat on my taxes. I felt so guity I thought I might have made a mistake. Had two accountants go over them to double check. Both assured me I was clean. After the audit, I actually got money back, but I still lost sleep. Low self esteem, I guess.
   I am on the Wharton Blog. Graduates from the ivory tower blog/gag/chug-a-lug on goofy subjects that have nothing to do with real world problems. Acting as if their skirts are far from the mud of reality, too good to be concerned with the needs of common America, their drive for clear theory blinds them to poor, hungry, uninsured, greedy, self-serving employers who exploit working poor every day.
   An on and on it goes. I am embarassed to have graduated there and in the same class as the "Donald." He and they embarass me. Thinking that school vouchers will cure everything, and I know that many poor, ill educated parents couldn't recognize a school voucher in a line-up.
   Ron Paul and Steve Forbes are academics and don't have a chance in hell of running this country, nor Mr. Kantor.
   Beware, yon Cassius has a mean and hungry look, for he thinks too much and such men are dangerous.


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