Donald Trump, Presidential Hopeful

Ok, I'll bite. I'm in. He's got me. One of the biggest self-promoters since PT Barnum, my college classmate from the Wharton School of Business, ole Donald Trump hissonself has done it.
    As of this morning, he snagged me: " As far as I'm concerned, my ONLY interest in Libya is oil. If we don't get the oil, I don't care about the country."
    Those are what I call, "black and white" words. No varnish, no political spin, just out front, tell you exactly how the man feels. That's what made...makes him so neat to listen to, he can say anything he wants to, a little like that dork on the radio with the long hair.
    He can be outrageous, outspoken, good copy. The outlandish thing about Donald Trump is, he is very apt to do exactly what he says he will do - if he were president, he just might go into Libya, "to the victor go the spoils" and that would be that.
    I doubt whether he would be much of a diplomat, but neither was Jimmy Carter. We have had other presidents who were less diplomatic, like Teddy Roosevelt, but the country stood tall in the saddle just the same.
   After all, what could be so bad.


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