Baja Arizona, Pima County, and Our Local Media, "The Cairo Effect"

Long ago, when I was hiring positions, I hired a black man to sell our service. He was a great guy, who, one day during lunch, said he attended a "Blank Panther" party dinner and wanted to tell me about it. He said that what ever was wrong with the world, "hate" was not going to cure it.
    What I learned about myself that lunch was that i had crossed a civil rights bridge that day into learning to love my brother more than I had ever done before. Also, I had learned that in the bigger picture, we do more by creating bridges than tearing them down.
    Now to "Baja Arizona," and the local newspapers in Tucson. Here we are blessed with only two newspapers that fight each other for the award for the most most like "Mother Jones" magazine. That is to say, Revolutionary: whacky, and whack-ier. The Arizona Daily Star has become, according to one letter writer a candidate for registered lobbyiest for the anti-gun crowd, printing a virtual flood of hysterical anti-gun letters in their editorial page since January 8th, the day the local madman shot up a Safeway parking lot.
   Everybody on their staff including the cartoonist got in on the act from snarky "news" columns to editorials bordering on "lynch-madman-gun-owners."
(I exxagerate for effect)
   The Tucson Weekly, a once weekly paper rag (thank the good Lord) rages farther left, and someone tosses bloody red meat to them, caging them from us all. The view points are so far out there, that I presume they blossom on the planet Incredulity better there than here.
   The point of all this is, Baja Arizona now raises it's ugly head. Those left wingers serious want to succeed from the Union because, bless their hearts, the Conservative state Capitol still manages to keep the state under some sort of manageable control while Tucson wobbles down the dusty road.
   They actually want to pull out of the Union, and...start over.
   It's as if Arizona doesn't have a whacky enough image now as it is. All we need is a vision of a ressurection of hippies Birkenstocks and all, sucking on weeds, dancing in the streets, Hare Krishna-style, waving bye-bye to the US. Every serious US corporation will pull the plug in southern Arizona and we will be pulling ox carts down dusty streets again, just like 1850
   What we do need is a middle of the road disposition of rational thought drawing both sides together at the table, compounding a mix of everyones point of view into a direction everyone can live with.
   Rush Limbaugh and Bill Ayres will have to go away silently and be satisfied with only the knowledge that a lot of their hot air has generated some movement somewhere in some direction. Peace must come to the valley, and, everyone must be invovled. We cannot keep this up.
   It is what I believe is the "Cairo Effect."


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