Last I looked he didn't apologize enough, or was it FAST enough? (I'm still waiting for Obama to fess up on EVERYTHING on BENGHAZI) and if I hear one more cracked "political" commentator on the Clinton News Network complain about Republic an spending ( Obama's $50 MILLION vacation to Africa before leaving office and his brother/cousin still living in a shack) I'll throw up.
      All networks ( including my fav FOX, continue the diarrhea on CHARLOTESVILLE tedium ad naseum. ( for your MSBC viewers that means until I get sick) Knock it the hell off. One idiot kid drives a car into a crowd, kills a young woman, and VIOLA' THE CIVIL WAR starts all over again.
      In a TV special in the early 79's, Duke Wayne quipped about when our Civil War would be over.
He said, " soon, I hope."  Amen, Duke
       In my opinion, President Trump is right: no matter what he says, ' the media' will tear him apart, so there for I feel he should try to stop answering their silly-ass questions. Don't fall for the bait,sir.
       Secondly, McCain is wrong, you were right. I note he's on his way out. I wouldn't waste my time or good will on a fading star, sir. He needs to be remembered as a war hero. And, thus it shall be.
       I believe pretty much what Rush Limbaugh espoused years ago about the American left, which has crept into our television and newspapers. He said that the Anti-war crowd from the Viet Nam War era had nothing to do when the conflict ended, so they turned trheir energies into more destruct rive pursuits: environmental CONTROL, political GRIDLOCK, dumbing down the educational system, (IMO, we're there NOW).
       The "Fake" media has an agenda: to blame YOU for everything, including tooth decay,.
God Bless You, this country, and our tilt RIGHTWARD.


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