I was raised in the mean streets of southwest Philly, born in 1940, fought my way through race wars in elementary school, watched Policemen on Junior High roof tops with shotguns in mid-fifties as potential riots got crazy, and Senior High?  Well....that just got nuts.
     The black share croppers son who sat in one of my classes who went on to be Mayor of Philly and bombed a neighborhood learned the racial ropes in Bartram High along with me. The atmosphere in town back 60 years ago was always that way - well before the race/baiters.
     The mid-70's carried racial tension so thick if you DIDN'T carry a gun, your head was in the clouds. It was scary.
     We had it.
      I've acquired Philadelphia Magazine recently and was sickened at the "Mother Jones" attitude editorial and content they have towards life in Philadelphia. Life is no longer in equal, fair balance. They wonder editorially, why Donald Trump ever got elected.
      As a reasonably educated semi intelligent voter who once occupied the same building, rode the same elevator as it's editor, read the same mag back then, I'm baffled at what caused this circling the drain watching common sense, this mass hysteria of backing another candidate so worefully forelorn IN THE PUBLIC'S EYES. The Magazine that I faithfully subscribed to, had collapsed into the arms of the psuedo liberal left for nothing more than SUBSCRIBERS  Money, readers.
     This candidate was very nearly indicted by the, or the  FBI, the courts, under investigation for a number of federal transgressins too numerous
here to detail. ( selling Uranium to Russians!! - Jesus-Christ~!!) Are you out of your MIND?
      Once again, Philly might turn it's culture into limousine liberalism, forcing out it's engines of progress, profitability and economic progressiveness and the city interior might well become the vast of Detroit, Chicago, et al.
      Doesn't any bother to check up on Denmark or Venezuela? Socialism run amuck.


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