I'm not going to win this one, but I have to vent. Molly Hemingway, a conservative jurnalist was on a political commentary TV show this morning and made a chauvanistic fešŸ˜¬minist comment to the moderator. Talking abut Mr. Trump's new advisor having 4 children and her ability to manage that job AND4 children, Hemingway interjected " I wish a man would be asked that question some time." 
     The snarky attitude was added later.
     The host apologized brushed her off and kept going. I will not.
     I am from the last century, born during World War II. In my world, we paid special courtesies to women, mothers, care of children and handed out special dispensations by the truck load. I take it, Molly, you are probably first in line for maternity leave, should we ask for volunteers. And, like that snarky witch who appeared before Congress with the appalling gall to demand government money for her birth control expenses, should we assume you might be in line for DC's hand out of a fist full of nickels for their egg crushing pills??
    You work hard, and you should. You want a career, and I understand, my late wife had one. BUT, as any husband with the nerve to tell you, there is a set of tubes you set on that separates you for the rest of us - it is the fountain of life - you make babies, and we can't. 
    There is a male instinct, whether you like it or not, that will drive most men to protect " wife and mother" from harm, sickness, overwork, and the badness in the world, and yes, even hurt feelings. There are men out there who feel that way. Their gut says, protect. At all costs. 
    A television program Masters of Sex had a line in it that pissed off a lot of guys I know Masters asked Johnson, " Why do women fake climaxes?" 
    Johnson ( the woman ) responded, " probably because she has more important things to do." Thus is the great divide between men and women today. Infuriating. šŸ™ˆ


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