OUR PRESIDENT-no longer speaks our language

Communists call it double-speak. I think in the language of ole "Tail Gunner" Joe McCarthy of the Senate Hearing days, his tactic was to deny everything and accuse somebody else of spying. (usually communist infiltrators)
     Well, that was the 50's and we don't have to worry about that anymore, they're alrady here, in our government, and teaching at our Universities. Tough luck on that score.
     I digress: Obama's press conference this morning, he looks directly at a problem HE CAUSED in the last 8 years and lays it at the feet of the opposing party. He's so damn glib, Joe Six Pack could believe him. He makes Grade A copy for Pravda, Ja?
    He has been in office hollering everywhere about how he " won the past two presidential elections" but can't get the Congress to work. (hmm) Last I looked, his (sub) title is the most powerful Man on the Planet, is it not? MSNBC, his personal TV platform grovels at his feet, CNN carries his water for him, and the collective media in our country has done a piss poor job in explaining Socialism as it effects prices rising now and in the future.
    Bernie Sanders is raised as some sort of Christ like man-of-the-people, where as his Socialism (Communism Light) thank you the late Robin Williams, will drive up the cost of everything.
    Oh well, who is paying attention. Our country is now behind Singapore in most things educational.


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