Blame Obama, I don't know who who else to hang this on.....when the whole apple barrel turns
brown, it's usually one at the bottom turned bad some time ago that turned the whole barrel lousy/.
     Two Pentagon Generals just announced that most PROBABLY soon, we could look forward to a general DRAFT of the nation's young daughters into the military to serve on the front lines for COMBAT positions.
     For me, that is the last straw. It broke my spirit when some young men of our country fled to Canada to avoid the draft and not go to serve their country in Vietnam. Their cowardly acts will, in my mind, forever embarrass me and help degrade my country in the eyes of the world. 
     True, we had made up some territory since then, regained some credibility, but the shame of that time will never be fully the same again. 
     Then, to top that embarrassment, President Gutless PARDONED them on their return. Carter welcomed them back to America like returning heros. Thankfully, the tone-deaf president didn't throw a dinner for them at the White House. 
     Our troops have regained the respect they richly deserve in the years since under Presidents Reagan and Ford. Now, a military career is sought after, if they can just survive until Obama is run out of office.
     Now, with this new threat of women being drafted for combat duty, a new age of weakening our combat forces will have a adverse affect on our troops that need not be outlined here. There are books and scholarship written on Women in the Military available all over the country.
     This is not meant in any way to degrade women, or to disrespect them. I'm from the old school. I love and respect them, hold them in a special place. I don't want to live in a country where the men are cowards and we have to draw on our women to defend us. I believe with all my heart that a man's place in the world is to love, protect, defend and serve the country, protect women and children and kill any outside force that threatens the same.
     I'm 76, and I can still break down an M-1 in the dark and am a dead shot.  


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