THANK YOU, mr president - OUCH!!

Somewhere it was written just months ago, that the last 18 months of Barack Obama's term would be the most dangerous time for America and Americans. I thought the statement, at that time, overblown.
    Not now.
    I've noticed things about him I don't like, and things I hate. First, he's a bit like my wife - he talks incessantly about things he's " gonna " do, Talk, talk, talk. Then he doesn't do it. Like Git
mo. Now, again, he threatens to do it by Executive Order.( I wonder how that's going to play in Peoria. )
    Drug dealers? Nah, low impact crime. Turn 'em loose. I think the theory is most are low income Black People and to jail them is discriminatory. 
    Schools? Out of control. Flip a coin from one District to another and there is now no uniformity in discipline, school curricula, policy, and punishment for infractions? You name it, the teacher, principals and school boards seem to get away with it. Education biggie Arnie Duncan? Out to lunch.
    Military? Generals who advise POTUS are either shelved, asked to resign or fired. Yes men or women are encouraged to implant suck marks on his body to keep their job and collect their pensions.     Those who disagree publicly are invited to the woodshed for a caning vis-a-vis FBI Director James Comey and his recent remarks on " Ferguson Effect." (Look for his upcoming Departure). Military readiness? We are now at our lowest since WWII and China remains a serious threat in the Pacific. 
    National debt, he has charged up the national credit card over the limit more than ALL the previous presidents COMBINED. When the effect of that hits, and it will, prices, wages, and our competitiveness across the world will kill us. My worry is that we have dumbed down the American public so badly that most are too stupid to understand the effect. All they want is ' FREE STUFF.'
    Sesame Street...hell, even his wife is poisoning the well. I raised my kids on Sesame Street and the "Cookie Monster." Michelle Obama's influence changed that to "Veggie" monster. This has got to stop.


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