" The problem is NOT that Johnny can't read, not even that he can't think...........

......the problem is he does not know what thinking IS!!  He confuses it with feeling."  Thus speaks black writer, commentator and philosopher Thomas Sowell on the state of affairs today in 21st Century western culture.
      Because of twisted non-thinkers and knee-jerk emoters he opines on, we have distorted kids affecting the minds of our children vis-a-vis a young movie star who sheds her clothes for a naked sex tape. It gets out (as they all eventually do) over the internet, then she watches her career tumble.
      Now, what to say, what to do, damage control? Today's paper carries her rebuttal, " it was a SEX CRIME, " she accuses. The mere release of a tape she voluntarily made now is a "sex crime" having been released to the Internet. Viola, she is a victim.
      El Presidente of Mexico, the latest dictator south of the border now criticizes our country of racism for daring to enforce our own laws along our own borders by capturing HIS aliens crossing over into our country. We, the United States, are racists, for arresting and deporting his citizens for illegally entering our country and returning them to Mexico.  Viola, we have made the President a victim and managed to do it to the whole country.
      Personal RESPONSIBILITY be damned. Emotional intimidation well out of hand. From court-rooms to classrooms, City Halls to Board Rooms, people are snapping personalities are crumbling under the weight of an orderly society(ies) crunching and crackling under their feet.
      We need a sense of order, strength and leadership, starting in homes and churches, fathers and leaders, in schools, and in our generals, but most importantly, in Washington DC.
      This election day, we need to change our underwear, from the skin out. No one I know trusts the government from the White House, down Pennsylvania Avenue to Congress, the Department of Justice. No one, not the IRS, the National Security Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Veterans Affairs, none of them.
      Some of us feel ok with the United State Post Office, all branches of the Military, the Fire Departments and the local police agencies, but that's about it. There is a general malaise about the country, it's bad. It makes Jimmy Carter look like Captain America.


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