Pete Seeger is Dead

A little more of the anti-Vietnam War movement of the 60's just died. To apologize Rush Limbaugh for bastardizing his comments on the death of one of the Chicago Seven decades ago, " Pete Seeger has assumed Room Temperature."
     Remembering another of the " Seven," Jerry Rubin, one who threw pigs blood in the New York stock exchange during the turbulent late 60's and early 70's ( the young obnoxious kids today who don't know that might blanch at how obnoxious that was) would be turgid to find out that Rubin wound up selling stocks and bonds as a trader IN THE NYC stock exchange - selling out and commenting, " Yeah! Let's get rich together!!"
     Wonder what he thinks of Robert Redford's new movie " The Company You Keep" where Redford's character deconstructs people who do what Rubin's occupation is as " bloodsuckers."
      One wonders where the "heros" of the social revolution of the 60s went?


  1. One of the "freedom fighters" whose name slips me, locked in an SLA gunfight in CA, escaped. decades later, he was arrested quietly in Portland operating a business cleaning floors, installing carpets in the west end of town. No one knew his background or his gunfighting past. He is serving life somewhere.


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