America - We Are Changing, World War Z
I saw the author of WWZ on TV and he said the movie would work as an analogy for total breakdown in civilization if catastrophic events happened and we all fell apart.
It occurred to me as I watched that last night: people killing each other for a car to get away, break to eat, a gun to defend themselves with, a bottle of bullets, shielding their children from car crashes. The usual "gotta-get-outta-here" scenarios of freeways jammed, animals stalking you in the woods. I was reminded of the joke about two guys running away from a hungry bear, one turns to the other and says, I don't have to outrun the bear, I just have to outrun YOU.
The author of the book believes when it all falls apart, it will ALL fall apart. I think of those statistics which we all sleep on: we're below Singapore in math & Science, short on doctors, more black kids in jail than in the Army, unwed mother rates all time high, abortion rates counted in millions per year, high school kids graduating who can't read.
Hell in my town, the local University has started a remedial math program because the first year college kids can't count!
The poor and dispossessed holler on various web sites about America the land of the free where everyone should be "treated with dignity and get equality" and why is it fair that people who "build bridges and get paid low wages die of diseases not get THEIR FAIR SHARE as the rich people who got rich building those bridges"??? The current administration in DC has set about re-distributing income for the last five to six years all through America. If you ever read Ayn Rand's book, Atlas Shrugged, you got a very long education in the deleterious effects on taking YOUR money out of YOUR pocket without your consent and handing to those people in photographer Milton Friedman's photos for them to spend.
As the late William F. Buckley once wrote, " you can take all the riches out of the hands of the wealthy and give it equally to everyone in America, and, within a year, it will all be back in the hands of the wealthy again." Having met Mr. Buckley in a meeting and discussed that proposition with him in Tucson 3 decades ago, I venture to say, he was probably right.
It occurred to me as I watched that last night: people killing each other for a car to get away, break to eat, a gun to defend themselves with, a bottle of bullets, shielding their children from car crashes. The usual "gotta-get-outta-here" scenarios of freeways jammed, animals stalking you in the woods. I was reminded of the joke about two guys running away from a hungry bear, one turns to the other and says, I don't have to outrun the bear, I just have to outrun YOU.
The author of the book believes when it all falls apart, it will ALL fall apart. I think of those statistics which we all sleep on: we're below Singapore in math & Science, short on doctors, more black kids in jail than in the Army, unwed mother rates all time high, abortion rates counted in millions per year, high school kids graduating who can't read.
Hell in my town, the local University has started a remedial math program because the first year college kids can't count!
The poor and dispossessed holler on various web sites about America the land of the free where everyone should be "treated with dignity and get equality" and why is it fair that people who "build bridges and get paid low wages die of diseases not get THEIR FAIR SHARE as the rich people who got rich building those bridges"??? The current administration in DC has set about re-distributing income for the last five to six years all through America. If you ever read Ayn Rand's book, Atlas Shrugged, you got a very long education in the deleterious effects on taking YOUR money out of YOUR pocket without your consent and handing to those people in photographer Milton Friedman's photos for them to spend.
As the late William F. Buckley once wrote, " you can take all the riches out of the hands of the wealthy and give it equally to everyone in America, and, within a year, it will all be back in the hands of the wealthy again." Having met Mr. Buckley in a meeting and discussed that proposition with him in Tucson 3 decades ago, I venture to say, he was probably right.
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