American Indians - I misjudged them.

I worked for three indian tribes in Oregon some years ago, I left under less than idea circumstances.
u     Often tv advertising is funny and subtle and a recent spate of ads catches me unawares, I laugh later at the subtlety, especially at the one where the kid behind the compute glows at the naunce that she has over " 600 " friends on Facebook. "Imagine," she says, "600 friends. And my parents only have 37!! Wow, this is living, " she exorts. And, she taps away.
     I bring this up because only today, I opened the log of " friends" I have on Facebook. I have never  counted them in the three years I've used the service. I stopped working for the Indian at the beginning of the last decade.
     A handfull of the Indian brothers, not many, have kept in contact with me via e/mail and Facebook and I've appreciated it, and I admit, I held a little heat over the circumstances of my departure.
     Today I just discovered the number of "FRIENDS" I have on Facebook - 147, and most are from the three tribes in Oregon. They have quietly slipped in to "friend" me, and now I acknowledge them, gratefully.
      I have misjudged them, and my foolish anger will now go away with my deepest apologies for it.


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